New Chapter


It’s been almost a year since the pandemic has started. This has greatly affected many businesses, including mine, although I am not in operation at the moment, I have been learning many new different things and trying to grow my skills. I have learned new style of editing, or at least, a new way of editing which I am proud about. In August of 2019, we have moved from London to Liverpool, and I could say that it was the best decision we made. This place is a gem and we are closer to nature than ever!
London is a great city, mix with different cultures and countless options for a coffee shop! But since doing photography, I have realised that I do not like the busy city but more like into nature. There are many different options in London if you are a nature enthusiasts, but I have always been into wooded areas. Forests are the top choice for me when choosing a location for photoshoot.

Therefore, Liverpool was a good choice for us, it’s a small city but very close to the locations I have always dreamed of. Sandy beaches, a forest of tall pine trees and quiet neighbourhood.

Check out all the places I went to since moving here, and these are local areas we can walk to or at least a few minutes ride on the train.



I am hoping that in the future, I can continue my business here! With countless options on shooting location, whether you like the woods or the ocean, what style do you like? It is all here...


Jupiter 37A 135mm F3.5 : Olympics Edition